31. 07. 2020
Michal Gloger


The evolution of Man did not develop in a chair, the structure of the human body is adapted to be in an upright and vertical position. Regular long-term sitting has negative impacts on both muscular and skeletal (bone) systems, aka the musculoskeletal system, which allows us to move and regulates the arrangement and function of a person's internal organs.


Currently, coronary heart disease (CHD) is reported to be the most common cause of death in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. The reason for the development of coronary heart disease in paraplegics is mainly due to reduced physical activity and obesity. Increased and intensive physical activity on a regular basis which involves the whole body, such as walking, has a positive effect on heart activity and function of the entire cardiovascular system. The use of UNILEXA reduces the risk of heart disease, especially coronary heart disease.


It has been shown that up to 50% of people with mobility impairments, especially those after spinal cord injuries, do not participate in leisure-time physical activities and 60 to 89% of these people suffer from obesity due to lack of exercise. Routine walking training with the UNILEXA device, especially in the first year after an injury, will result in improved motor function, which motivates regular exercise and thus improved physical condition associated with weight reduction while simultaneously enabling proper function of the cardiovascular system. Through regular training with UNILEXA, each patient can fight obesity and thus the potential for cardiovascular disease.


Immobile people, wheelchair users in particular, encounter frequent fractures which are very expensive to treat. This is a result of the thinning of one’s bones, also known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be rapid, in some cases bone loss can be as high as 1% per week. Physiological natural loading of bones during walking has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

When immobilized and unable to walk, the range of motion (ROM) of the joints also decreases rapidly.

Our UNILEXA device is designed to support active ROM and load the most affected joints of the lower limbs, which includes the ankle and hip joints. Early exercise therefore increases the range of motion and thus maintains partial limb function.


Verticalization and active walking with orthotic aids lengthen the hip and knee joints and stretch the surrounding muscles. Loading and exercising the lower limbs reduces muscle cramps more effectively than stretching the muscles in the back position alone. Regular walking can therefore effectively combat spasticity and muscle atrophy.


Poor wheelchair posture and inadequate movement causes chronic constipation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which often results in impaired intestinal activity and subsequent reflex ileus (ie. sudden intestinal obstruction). This is one of the most frequently observed complications within the first months for patients with spinal cord injuries or mobility issues. Effective prevention against these complications includes sufficient intake of fiber and daily exercise, preferably walking, which supports intestinal peristalsis.


Immobilization and inability to walk significantly increases the risk of urinary tract inflammation and other urological complications, potentially resulting in kidney failure and long-term hospitalization. Regular walking training with UNILEXA on a daily basis reduces the risk of hospitalization associated with urinary tract inflammation by 69%.


Respiratory complications are one of the most common causes of death in patients with lesions of the cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord within one year of injury. When verticalizing and walking, the patient naturally practices breathing due to physical activity. The lungs are relaxed during verticalization, which increases their capacity and subsequent oxygenation of the whole body. Physical activity of walking with UNILEXA replaces respiratory rehabilitation and promotes the patient's breathing, wherein the patient indirectly trains the respiratory muscles, which subsequently facilitates beneficial coughing and thus reducing preventive pneumonia and other complications.


There is a high risk of problematic bedsores in long-term sedentary patients. Reducing these risks through walking with the help of the UNILEXA exoskeleton is the best prevention against the development of painful pressure ulcers.


Permanent wheelchair impediments are associated with intense neuropathic pain.

Walking and an active lifestyle are associated with significant relief from neuropathic pain and a reduction in the need for analgesics. Regular walking with UNILEXA reduces neuropathic pain and thus increases the quality of life.


Most people dissociate themselves following a spinal cord injury and stay at home, which soon leads to serious mental health problems associated with depression and anxiety. This leads to social exclusion and a negative attitude towards further life.

The ability to get up and walk is essential for the human psyche in this life situation. The opportunity to look into the eyes of a partner, freely in an upright position, adds self-confidence and contributes to renewed social inclusion.

Walking with UNILEXA clearly increases the quality of life, counteracts depression and anxiety, and adds zest to life!


More than 60% of paraplegics lose their jobs once returning to an active lifestyle. If they do find a job, these are usually inadequate job positions. With the improvement of mental and physical condition, a socially integrated individual is many times more likely to get a full-fledged employment relationship, aided by daily walking training that adds confidence and zest for life. The combination of regular activity with UNILEX and mental well-being increases the probability of obtaining a full-fledged employment relationship.


1. You reduce the risk of heart disease, especially coronary heart disease.

2. You reduce the risk of obesity and successfully fight becoming overweight and related cardiovascular diseases.

3. Physiologically, you strain the bones and significantly reduce the risk of fractures and developing osteoporosis.

4. You actively train the most affected joints of the lower limbs, thus increasing their range of motion, strength, and maintaining partial function of the lower limbs.

5. You support natural intestinal peristalsis and thus fight against sudden intestinal obstruction and infection.

6. You reduce the risk of hospitalization associated with urinary tract inflammation and infection.

7. Trains the respiratory muscles and increases the capacity of the lungs, improves the oxygenation of the whole body, and facilitates beneficial coughing, thus preventing pneumonia and other complications.

8. You reduce neuropathic pain and increase the quality of life.

9. You feel mentally better, you suppress anxiety and depression, you have a greater appetite for life, which increases the probability of getting a full-time employment.